Tuesday 26 January 2016

Never have I once sat down by myself and think the kind of life that I've always wanted in the future. Instead, I sat down and think about ways to destroy someone's life. But why hold on to that kind of hatred that you have for someone and allow yourself to suffer? Why not let that hatred go and drop that burden? 

It's easier to say than done. This set of questions have never came across my mind until today. Everyone in the world aged and die every single day. Make your day meaningful. 

God make everyone of us equal. Instead of complaining why she/he have that and why can't i have the same, think about how fortunate you are to be able to see this world and legs to run and walk. While you are thinking of ending your life, think about people who are about the die wishes that they still have a couple of hours to do what they always wanted to do before they pass on. 

But why aren't we appreciating what we are having now? 

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